
5 Tips to Get the Jump on Summer Allergies

Jul 01, 2023
5 Tips to Get the Jump on Summer Allergies
Are summer allergies leaving you sneezing, coughing, and itchy? If so, you’re not alone — but you’re not stuck suffering, either! Get the jump on summer allergies with these five tips.

Summer in Texas can bring not only scorching heat, but also a surge in allergens that can wreak havoc on your health. From pollen to mold spores, these allergens can cause sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and other uncomfortable symptoms. 

However, with the right strategies, you can minimize the impact of summer allergies and enjoy the season to the fullest. Here are five effective tips to get the jump on summer allergies in Texas, courtesy of Asif Aziz, MD, and nurse practitioner Guiselle Berry, FNP, at Elite Primary Care, PA, in Greenville, Texas.

1. Monitor pollen levels

Pollen is one of the primary culprits behind seasonal allergies, but it’s something that you can track. Stay informed about the daily pollen count in your area by checking local weather reports, websites, or smartphone apps. The Weather Channel provides a Greenville allergy forecast based on the type of pollen, such as tree, grass, or ragweed.

On high pollen days, try to limit your outdoor activities, especially during peak pollen hours (typically early morning). Keeping windows closed and using air conditioning with high-quality filters can help create a pollen-free environment indoors.

2. Maintain a clean living space

Regularly cleaning your living space can significantly reduce allergens indoors. Dust mites, pet dander, and mold thrive in warm and humid climates, so it's crucial to keep your home clean and dry. 

Vacuum carpets and upholstery frequently using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. HEPA filters can remove up to 99.97% of dust, mold, and pollen, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Wash bedding in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter) weekly to eliminate dust mites, and use allergen-proof covers on mattresses and pillows. Additionally, reduce clutter in your home as it can collect dust and aggravate allergies.

3. Protect yourself outdoors

When venturing outside during peak allergy season, taking some precautions can make a big difference. Wearing sunglasses shields your eyes from airborne allergens, and using a wide-brimmed hat helps keep pollen away from your face and hair. 

Consider wearing a mask designed to filter out pollen and other allergens. After spending time outdoors, change your clothes and shower to remove any allergens that may have settled on your skin and hair.

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health — especially under the hot Texas sun! — but it can also help alleviate allergy symptoms. Staying hydrated helps thin the mucus in your nasal passages, reducing congestion and making it easier to breathe. 

Opt for water or herbal teas and avoid sugary or caffeinated beverages that can dehydrate you. Adding a saline nasal rinse to your daily routine can also provide relief by flushing out allergens and soothing irritated nasal passages.

5. Identify your summer allergy triggers

If your summer allergies are severe or persist despite your efforts, it may be time to seek professional help. One of the best things you can do is to determine exactly what allergens bother you so you can adopt strategies to avoid those triggers.

Here at Elite Primary Care, PA, our team can run tests to determine the specific allergens causing your symptoms and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Ease your summer allergies

By following these five tips, you can proactively manage your summer allergies and enjoy summer without constant discomfort. With effective strategies in place, you can take control of your allergies and make the most of the sunny and vibrant summer season in Texas.

Do you need help with your seasonal allergies? Call our office or use the online link to schedule your appointment online to get started.